Natural Connections: Natural Gifts

6:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Join us for the November meeting of the Big River Big Woods Chapter.  Our topic will be Natural Connections: Natural Gifts, presented by Emily Stone

All life on Earth is woven into a web of connections that sustains us. What part do we play in this community? Our natural neighbors will inspire us toward gratitude, awe and action.

Naturalist Emily Stone is the author of Natural Connections: Exploring Northwoods Nature through Science and Your Senses, and the award-winning Natural Connections 2: Dreaming of an Elfin Skimmer.

At this meeting we will elect our officers for 2023:

Vice Chair

We encourage our members to run for these positions.  If you would like your name to appear on the ballot, send a note to

This meeting will take place on Zoom.  Please register in advance.